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Abourtion Clinic

Did you get pregnant by accident? Are you looking for a place where you can safely terminate your pregnancy? If you live in Fayetteville, NC, we at A Hallmark Women’s Clinic understand how you feel. We have been allowing women the right to choose what they want to do with their body since 1973. Even if you feel alone in your decision, you can find someone to speak with here that will understand.


There is a lot of misinformation when it comes to abortions. Many people who don’t understand the procedure are quick to speak their mind. Here at A Hallmark Women’s Clinic, we know this is a sensitive subject for all of our patients. When you enter our abortion clinic, you will be treated with warmth and compassion. Everyone on our staff will work with you as you make this difficult decision. In the end, we want to make sure all of our patients are completely educated about their choice.


At A Hallmark Women’s Clinic, we offer both surgical and non-surgical abortion methods. The latter of the two has become increasingly popular over the years. In a non-surgical abortion, you will be given a special medication that is designed to terminate the pregnancy. It can be successfully used up to nine weeks into your pregnancy. If you are not a candidate for non-surgical, then the surgical method will be used. Our staff at A Hallmark Women’s Clinic will explain which procedure will work the best in your situation.

If you live in Fayetteville, NC and are looking for a clean, safe abortion clinic, then make an appointment with us at A Hallmark Women’s Clinic. You can read more about our clinic online at Remember that you do not have to face this difficult decision without guidance and counseling.

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